January 18, 2012

MCBF Blog Topic #222

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

The www.Subliminet.com website was designed to inform – entertain – involve – intrigue – motivate – invigorate – enliven – inspire – challenge – befuddle – surprise – shock – poll – and even reward all Original Members of

Subliminet’s Online Quest for Relevancy,

and, to a lesser extent, all other visitors to the website as well,

all while Subliminet Inc. presents evidence that Subliminet Inc. contends

can prove that Subliminet Inc. can prove, beyond the shadows of all doubts, that there are indeed at least two impossible impossibilities

that have Now become far more possible than merely possibly possible.


MCBF Blog Topic #223

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

Subliminet’s Online Quest for Relevancy and

Meaningful Connections Blogging Forum marketing campaigns

are an online attempt to discover what unique and undiscovered segments or subgroups exist

within the overall population and to create a clear and complete picture of the characteristics of

a typical member of each of these unique segments,

and then share that information with the members within those segments

as well as with individuals throughout the rest of the overall population.

MCBF Blog Topic #221

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

Subliminet Inc. is challenging all visitors to the www.Subliminet.com website and especially those that choose to become Original Members to prove any or all of Subliminet Inc.’s contentions made on the www.Subliminet.com website to be either false or incorrect or based on an assumption or even classifiable

as any one of 107 different possible fallacies.

MCBF Blog Topic #224

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

The Online Quest for Relevancy is also an attempt to define

a new and unique and never before identified or analyzed demographic profile.

Original Members of Subliminet’s Online Quest for Relevancy are actually

“generational cohorts” in that each is a member of a group of individuals who experience

the same events within the same interval of time,

but in the case of the Quest for Relevancy

within the same interval of timelessness as well.

The Quest for Relevancy attempts to create a group of individuals that are bound together by

the sharing of the unique events developed and presented by Subliminet Inc.

within the context of proving beyond the shadows of all doubts

that there are at least two impossibe impossibilities that have Now become

far more possible than merely possibly possible.

MCBF Blog Topic #220

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 am

Subliminet Inc. contends that this salubrious technique,

when safely and successfully enacted

for extended durations of both time and timelessness

while within a context, an environment provided for any individual to enter into

by Subliminet Inc. and only Subliminet Inc., is the safest, most private, healthiest, most liberating and enjoyable walk any individual will ever take,

taken in a way no individual has ever done before.

MCBF Blog Topic #219

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 am

Subliminet Inc. contends that only while within adequately constructed

and supervised environments that Subliminet Inc. and only Subliminet Inc.

can provide, can this new and unique salubrious technique be enacted

by any individual unencumberedly, unobstructedly, uninterruptedly, uninhibitedly, spontaneously, autonomously, automatically, involuntarily, volitionlessly, effortlessly, energetically, invigoratingly, inspirationally, joyfully, liberatedly, freely and fearlessly, privately and safely, simultaneously,

for extended, uninterrupted durations of both time and timelessness.

MCBF Blog Topic #218

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 am

Subliminet Inc. states that this salubrious technique is not a cure of any kind,

but for individuals suffering from dibilitating conditions

or life-threatening illnesses, the technique might very well be an effective part of a palliative approach to reducing the physical, emotional, spiritual and psycho-social distresses experienced by inflicted individuals.

MCBF Blog Topic #217

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 am

Subliminet Inc. contends that safely and successfully enacting

this salubrious technique for extended durations of both time and timelessness, 

or even when attempting to enact the technique,

for extended durations of time alone while not within environments that Subliminet Inc. and only Subliminet Inc. can adequately and safely provide,

are both, to varying extents, theraputic, recuperative, prophylactic, palliative, strengthening, relaxing, stress-relieving, and, again, to varying extents,

even youthenizeing,… capable, perhaps, of even decelerating

the senescene process, the process of aging.

January 17, 2012

MCBF Blog Topic #215

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

After long periods of intense research, Mr. Sloane has determined that 
the Delusions I from Subliminet may be suffering from may be the result of
a lifetime of experiencing dozens upon dozens of  synchronistic events,
or, as the founder of Analytical Psychology, Dr. Carl G. Jung,
was the first to describe as meaningful, acausally connected events,
and possibly also as a result of I from Subliminet’s discovery of
the salubrious technique and the environments within which the technique must be enacted
in order to successfully enact it for extended durations
of both time and timelessness, and then to prove, with assistance from
the above listed group of items I from Subliminet presents as evidence
that there are indeed at least two impossible impossiblities
that have Now become far more possible than merely possibly possible.

MCBF Blog Topic #216

Category: MCBF Blog Topics — admin @ 11:11 pm

Subliminet Inc. announces Now that this salubrious technique
can only be safely and successfully enacted,
for extended durations of both time and timelessness simultaneously,
while within an adequately constructed and supervised context,
an environment developed and provideable for any individual to enter into
exclusively by Subliminet Inc. and only Subliminet Inc.,
and that inadequately constructed and supervised environments
merely allow for attempting to enact the technique safely and successfully,
merely allow for attempting to enact the technique for extended durations
of time alone and not both time and timelessness simultaneously.